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Showing posts from November, 2020

Family Recipes

  I have had a few people ask for my grandma's pumpkin banana nut bread recipe. We all enjoyed it when she made it, it is the most moist banana nut bread i tasted. I even took a pic of the middle, sorry the outside is a little crispy because i didnt have a 9×5 dish to bake in. Enjoy.


  Here are my pics that i have of all the military people in the family. Some are married in. Joe Keitel, Charles Henthorne, Charles Henthorne Sr and Jr , Ray Spires, Roger Bratcher , Clifford Cliff Henthorne , Billy Henthorne, William Reaves , Brandon Bratcher (no pic) Please post pics if i missed some.

Henry and Kenneth Huff

  Has anyone ever heard of a Henry and Kenneth Huff. These two guys appear in a lot of pictures we found from Grandma Davis (Josie Spires). Most of these are around 1920-1930 range and there are multiple pics with the whole family, Mostly Josie, Blanche, Floy, and Ray Spires since they were the oldest and were around these brothers age. Chastity Faith Scott Kenneth Huff was  Jerry Ann Scott  Uncle by marriage he was Married to Josie's sister Floy Chastity Faith Scott She also said her Aunt Floy divorced him and remairred her Uncle Doug but she don't remember Doug's last name Charles Henthorne Actually, I think I remember aunt floy telling me she had been married 8 times!

Galen Kind

  Galen Kind was born on 10/19/1916 in Minot, ND to Hazel Spires Kind and Elmer Kind. He Married Gale Bambic and had no children, but he was a parent to so many cousins. I know my Uncle Charles lived with him for a little while along with Shari Spires sister of Deborah Fischer. He was a very popular cousin, most of the distant relatives have heard of Galen or have visited him. When we stayed over in Wichita to visit family we would often stay at their house and visit. Galen died on 8/17/1997 in Wichita, KS.

Lafayette Spires

 Lafayette Spires was the brother of Elmer Spires. He was born 11/24/1844 to John Spires and Rebecca Hill in Georgetown, Ohio. He married Ann Mary Liming on 9/11/1866 in Brown County, OH. On 4/10/1909 Lafayette died in Brown County, OH. 

Norris Family

  This is some interesting information on how the Norris family lived in Ohio and Kentucky

John Spires and Rebecca Hill

  Here is information on John and Rebecca Spires family including Elmer Spires and all of his brothers and sisters. Most of them are Marriage records obtained in Georgetown, OH

Aquilla Norris

  These are some record found on my road trip to Georgetown, OH, a once in a lifetime trip that I got to take in 2018. This is information on Aquilla Norris and Priscilla Norris. More on Aquilla. This is Zenith great grandfather on her maternal grandparent side. He was in the Revolutionary war, after his house burned he moved to to Ohio in 1805 and settled in Brown County near Higginport. He came with his brother and james settled near Dayton,OH. Aquilla also brought with him his nephew Abraham. Abraham and Aquilla bought land adjacent to each other. On the second page down at the bottom number 2. is information on Zenith grandparents Elizabeth Norris and here dad is listed as one of the kids. number 10. is information on Guy Summer Norris, Zeniths dad. This list all of Zeniths brothers and sisters. So the very top is the person that came from Congham, Norbit, England. His name was Thomas Norris. He had a son named Edward Norris. Edward had two sons Thomas (Aquilla side) and John (...

Connection to George Washington

 This was information posted by Chasity Faith Scott and confirmed through research in Georgetown, OH, and also by research from Louis Spires.  Not sure how accurate this information is but thought it was interesting. Found through Richard Spires Sr. was born native of Maryland in 1754, English descent.He married Rebecca Gentle in Feb. 1787. They came to Ohio in 1812. He soldiered under General George Washington for 3 years. He was a private in the Maryland Continental. He enlisted July 10, 1781, in Maryland and served 3 years. During which time he was severely wounded. Soldier died March 3, 1838, in Brown County, Ohio His marker inscription reads: "Richard Spires, Md. Line, Revolutionary War". Pension application May 1, 1818, and Apr. 5, 1821; both in Brown County, Ohio. Widow applied in Brown County, Ohio in October, 1840. Richard Spires Sr. is buried in the Young Cemetery, Sec. 6, lot 4, grave 1, with a Gov. marker, 1/2 mile south of New Hope, Ohio, in Scott T...

Spires Brothers

  Obie Spires, Oliver Kirby Spires, I believe the third is Austin Spires, then Charles Spires, Louis Spires This is probably the most famous picture of the Spires family, it seems like each side has retained a copy of this photo. There are two sisters Hazel and Nettie that were not included in the photo. Thanks to Donna Spires George she spent weeks restoring this photo from the original quality to what you see now where there is no lines in the middle. She did an awesome job.

Survivor Wall

  This is a picture of my Mom's name ( Nina Reaves ) on the survivor wall at the OKC Bombing Memorial. She was in the YMCA building next to the Alfred Murrah building, 25 years ago when the bombing went off.

Visit to see Jerry Ann

  Donita, Jackie, Jerry Ann, Nina Reaves, Chris Reaves April 14, 2018 after connecting with Jackie Smart on DNA testing, we found out that we were a lot closer related than we thought. From that connection, I was able to talk to my Great Aunt Jerry Ann, and my Mom was able to see her Aunt since the 90's. Come to find out that she lived in Oklahoma also and just about 3 hours from where I live. We had a great visit and was able to meet Donita and Jackie for the first time and see Aunt Jerry again since my Grandma's Funeral. We had a great day looking through pictures and just talking about old times.  April Jackson-Rook , me, Grandma Ellen, Cherokee, I think one of the back people is Jerry Ann Scott , and the other is Grandma Davis. The little girl was Chasity Faith Scott.

Nina Jo Henthorne

  Back Row Left to Right Chad Clingman (April son in law married to Ashley), Brandon Bratcher (Nina Bratcher son), Roger Bratcher (Nina Husband), Evan Bratcher (Nina Bratcher son), Chris Reaves (Me lol) , Hope Jackson (April Jackson Rook Daughter), Rick Rook (April Jackson Rook husband) Middle Row Left to Right Ashley Cligman (April Jackson Rook Daughter), Demetra Bratcher (Brandon Bratcher wife), Sara Bratcher Naylor (Nina Bratcher Daughter) , Anna Bratcher (Nina Bratcher daughter), Nina Bratcher (Joann daughter), Skyler Reaves (Chris Reaves son) , Amy Reaves (Chris Reaves wife), Sophie Corbet (Hope Jackson daughter), Eric Jackson (April Jackson Rook son) Front Row left to Right Tucker Cligman (Ashley Cligman son), Jo ann Reaves (Mom) Ashton Clausen (Ashley Cligman son), Doug Reaves (Jo ann husband), Jadyn Reaves (Chris Reaves daughter) Here is the generation breakdown 1st Gen (Jo Ann Reaves and Doug Reaves) 2nd Gen (Chris and Amy Reaves, April Jackson (Reaves) and Rick Rook, R...

Tony Davis

  Tony Davis is the son of Antone and Josie Davis. He was married a lady named Norma but unsure of her maiden name. Maybe is someone has her name you could drop it in the comments. As far as I know they had no children.

Mary Davis Hamilton

  Mary Davis was Antone and Josie Spires child, she later married Bob Hamilton and had six children, I only know of three of them, Melissa, James and William.  Mary, Ella Spires, Josie                     Josie and Tony Davis, James Hamilton          Bob and Mary Hamilton                                                   Hamilton Kids                              Bob and Mary Hamilton Melissa Hamilton daughter Amber Bob, Ella Spires, Mary